Reading Vocabulary for 24th January

English Vocabulary Index

Reading Vocabulary for 24th January :

  1. Attendant (adj.) : accompanying

  2. Attendant (n) : servant

  3. Attention (n) : care, heed

  4. Attest (v) : certify, bear witness to

  5. Attic (n) : a room in the roof of a house

  6. Attire (n) : dress

  7. Attire (v) : dress

  8. Attitude (n) : the posture of the body or mind or way of looking at life

  9. Attorney (n) : a legal representative

  10. Attract (v) : draw towards oneself

  11. Attraction (n) : draw to, entice

  12. Attractive (adj.) : pleasing

  13. Attribute (v) : ascribe, assign

  14. Attribute (n) : quality

  15. Auction (n) : public sale in which article is sold to one who offers the highest price

  16. Audacious (adj.) : daring bold, impudence

  17. Audacity (n) : boldness, impudence

  18. Audience (n) : an assembly of hearers

  19. Audit (n) : an examination of accounts

  20. Audition (n) : a test given to a singer or other artists, act of hearing

  21. Auditorium (n) : the part of a hall where the hearers sit, public hall

  22. Aught (n) : anything

  23. Aught (adv.) : in any way

  24. Augment (v) : increase, grow larger

  25. Augur (v) : guess, foretell

  26. Augur (n) : a soothsayer

  27. Augury (n) : omen

  28. August (adv.) : venerable, majestic, grand

  29. Aunt (n) : father’s or mother’s sister

  30. Aura (n) : odour

  31. Aureole (n) : circle of light surrounding head

  32. Auriferous (adj.) : yielding gold

  33. Aorist (n) : ear specialist

  34. Auspice (n) : good omen

  35. Auspice (pl.) : patronage

  36. Austere (adj.) : strict, simple

  37. Austerity (n) : strictness, simplicity

  38. Authentic (adj.) : reliable, true

  39. Author (n) : writer, maker

  40. Authority (n) : power or right; an official

  41. Autobiography (n) : one’s own memoir

  42. Autocrat (n) : a ruler who has full power

  43. Autograph (n) : signature, one’s own hand-writing

  44. Automatic (adj.) : self-moving

  45. Automobile (n) : a motor – car

  46. Autonomy (n) : self-governing right

  47. Autopsy (n) : post mortem

  48. Autumn (n) : the third season of the year

Reading Vocabulary for 24th January :

English Vocabulary Index

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