Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension means understanding what the author of the passage says in the passage.

Here is a paragraph which you should read to improve your comprehension power.

Read the following passage and answer in your own words the questions given below.

"Ring out the old, ring in the new" the lines of the song of New Year's Eve were still in our years on Dec 26, 2004 from the Santhome church at sunrise within a minute waves rose to 10 metres height dashed the inland and mercilessly took with them cars, vans, huts, catamarans - last but not the least -living people in good numbers - young and old ' under our very eyes. Utterly helpless and dazed by the sudden havoc we stood dumb, unable to make out what was happening. A new word added to the stock of English vocabulary from the Japanese language 'TSUNAMI'. Radio and TV flashed the news on and off placing the loss of human lives on the increase in every bulletin. In two days the picture was clear and the geologists took pride of their predictions a week before and found fault with the administration. But a week later the natives of Andamans - 50 familiars of a colony - said how the birds and animals shrieked strangely and the 300 odd people ran in land fearing tidal waves from that innocent warning and escaped from the danger.

1. What is the new word added newly to the old stock of English vocabulary?

Tsunami is the new word added newly to the old stock of English vocabulary.

2. Write how the waves acted mercilessly

Waves rose to 10 metres height, dashed the inland and mercilessly took with them cars, vans, huts, catamarans - last but not the least - living people in good numbers – young and old under our very eyes.

3. What is the havoc caused?

Tsunami is the havoc caused.

4. Who stood dumb? Why?

People stood dumb because it was unexpected.

5. Birds and animals are superior to human beings in one respect. How?

They are merciful.

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