Rain Quotes

Quotes and Quotations Index

Here are The Rain Quotes.

  1. ... a meagre rain that
    smelt of dust in
    Attics and the urine of lizards
    and mice.
    (Kamala Das)

  2. The rain it raineth on the just
    And also on the unjust fella:
    But chiefly on the just, because
    The unjust steals the just's umbrella
    (Charles Bowen : 1835-1894)

  3. Still falls the Rain --
    Dark as the world of man,
    black as our loss
    Blind as the nineteen hundred and forty nails
    Upon the Cross.
    (Edith Sitwell : 1877-1964)

  4. There was a roaring in the wind all night
    The rain came heavily and fell in floods.

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