Preposition UNDER
Grammar Index : 2
We have presented few sentences with Preposition UNDER.
Examples :
I found the letter under the table.
The students are sitting under the tree.
We sat under the tree and had a picnic.
She stores all her boxes under the bed.
I'm sure she was driving under the speed limit.
He has three children under age ten.
Under this boss we have little freedom to express our own ideas.
You have a lot more benefits under the new insurance policy.
The children are under supervision at all times.
They were arrested under orders of the chief.
Those two thugs are under investigation by the police.
That problem is still under discussion by the board.
You can find my name under ''Y" in the telephone book.
I looked up butterflies under "Insects" in my encyclopaedia.
They are under the influence of their new friends.
The cat is under the chair.
This boat is going to go under the bridge.
A subway is a train that travels under the ground.
He is selling fruits under the protection of colourful umbrellas.
These greens hills look stunning under a clear blue sky.
This bridge is under construction.
I'm under the care of a very good doctor.
He doesn't like to work under the man who's his boss.
We're under a tornado warning.
He goes under the sea to look for interesting things.
Grammar Index : 2
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