Preposition BUT
Grammar Index : 2
We have presented few sentences with Preposition BUT.
Examples :
None but Ram is present.
This is done but for the help of Sam.
I wanted to buy the car, but I couldn't afford it.
Nobody but you can explain it.
All the boys but Jake passed the test.
Tell everyone but Sally what happened.
All but you have passed the test.
He has to come to London. But his wife hesitates to come with him.
John was not there, but his brother was.
He is intelligent, but not hard-working.
I cannot but admire your courage.
We can but wait.
He is but a boy.
They are all wrong but me.
Who but he would do this?
We should have enjoyed the picnic but for the rain.
She would have visited Taj Mahal but for the heavy rain.
They have to come. But visa were denied to them.
You are not the culprit. But your involvement is regretted.
We but Raja will come.
Grammar Index : 2
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