Preposition BECAUSE OF

Grammar Index : 2

We have presented few sentences with Preposition

Examples :

  • The game was cancelled because of snow.

  • Neighbours were helping other neighbours because of accident.

  • Because of new laws, cities will be forced to replace worn out utilities such as gas pipelines.

  • Because of rain, she goes out with an umbrella.

  • Because of his low marks, he was not accepted in to the Business School.

  • They came to my house because of the connection between the Business man and me.

  • Because of the gas explosion, several homes burned down.

  • Because of an exploding gas line, several homes burned down.

  • This accident took place because of the heavy rains.

  • The student has scored very low marks because of lack of preparation.

  • Because of our help, this student has scored very high marks.

  • What went wrong is because of what we did not do.

    Grammar Index : 2

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