
Grammar Index : 2

A Preposition links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. The word or phrase that the preposition introduces is called the object of the preposition.

A preposition usually indicates the temporal, spatial or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the sentence.

Examples :

  • There is a cat on the wall.

  • My son is fond of sweets.

  • The fox jumped upon the vineyard.

  • The book is under the table.

  • The child fell into the pit.

  • Every citizen should abide by the laws of his country.

  • This lake abounds in fish.

  • Rajeev Gandhi started his Prime Ministership with abundance of goodwill of Indians.

  • Why were you absent from class yester day?

  • When I entered the room, I found my grandfather absorbed in deep thought.

  • A bird is on the tree.

  • I am fond of music.

  • The man was standing under the tree.

  • He runs after money.

  • Here are the Simple Prepositions which are frequently used.

    aboard | about | above | across | after | against |
    along | amid | among | anti | around | as |
    at | before | behind | below | beneath | beside |
    besides | between | beyond | but | by | concerning |
    considering | despite | down | during | except | excepting |
    excluding | following | for | from | in | inside |
    into | like | minus | near | of | off |
    on | onto | opposite | outside | over | past |
    per | plus | regarding | round | save | since |
    than | through | to | toward | towards | under |
    underneath | unlike | until | up | upon | versus |
    via | with | within | without

    about | above | after | along | around | as | at | before | behind |
    beside | but | by | cum | down | except | for | from | in | inside | into |
    of | off | on | out | over | to | under | up | with | without

    Here are the Compound Prepositions (Complex Prepositions) which are frequently used.

    According to | along with | away from | because of | due to | in behalf of | in case | in case of | in compliance with | in front of | in order to | in place of | in regard to | in search of | in spite of | inside of | next to | on account of | on behalf of | out of | outside of | owing to | prior to | subsequent to | vis-à-vis | with regard to | with respect to

    Grammar Index : 2

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