Prepare for a Speech

Prepare for a Speech

Effective Public Speaking Index

Prepare for a Speech. There is no such thing as an impromptu speech. Every speech has to be prepared. The amount of preparation depends on the newness of your subject. For example, if someone were to ask you to speak about your college days, you would need less than minute to prepare. I am sure the current political scenario will need more thinking and hence more time to prepare.

Most often, when you are invited to speak, your hosts will say Speak on anything. Whatever your favourite is (In the beginning, try to get your host to give you a subject. If not, find out what is the occasion, what is the background, who are the organisers, what is the objective of their organisation. These should give you enough for a generalized speech.

When you have a subject :

1. Try and do as much research as you can on the subject. The libraries, the Internet, experts on the subject, newspapers, magazines, even your family are good sources. Try and make notes, even if they are disjointed, after every such interaction.

2. Remember, the audience is not expecting a treatise on the subject. And try as you might, there's going to be at least one person in the audience who knows more than you know!

3. Use the material you have gathered. Write out on an essay, as if you have been asked to write an article for a magazine. Remember every speech or every essay has a Beginning, Body and Conclusion. So, when you write your essay try to sequence it using all the various titbits of information you have gathered.

4. Read the entire essay once. Use the marker and highlight the main points.

5. Put down the main points on 5"x 3" cards. Number the cards sequence.

6. Now, relax. You do not have to do anything else. .

7. On the day of the speech, just carry the cards with you.

8. As you stand up to speak and glance at the card, all the matter you have written in your essay about a particular point will come back automatically to you.

9. Do not attempt to learn a speech by heart. Your memory will play tricks on you and you will end up embarrassing yourself.

10. Even if you know a subject very well, the points written on the card will help you to sequence yourself and deliver the best.

11. Even if you know the subject very well, prepare for a speech.
Effective Public Speaking Index

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