Prefix MIS

Prefix MIS is widely used to form new words which may convey totally different meanings. A Prefix is placed before a root word to make a new word.

Here is the list of words with the Prefix MIS.

  1. Misbehave
  2. Miscount
  3. Misdirect
  4. Misfortune
  5. Mislead
  6. Mismatch
  7. Misplace
  8. Misprint
  9. Misquote
  10. Misremember
  11. Misspell
  12. Mistreat
  13. Mistreat
  14. Misspell
  15. Misunderstood
  16. Misbehave
  17. Mistreat
  18. Misquote
  19. Mistletoe
  20. Mistake
  21. Mislead
  22. Misfortune
  23. Misconduct
  24. Misplace
  25. Misstep
  26. Misact
  27. Misacted
  28. Misacting
  29. Misacts
  30. Misaddress
  31. Misaddressed
  32. Misaddresses
  33. Misaddressing
  34. Misadjust
  35. Misadjusted
  36. Misadjusting
  37. Misadjusts
  38. Misadministration
  39. Misadministration
  40. Misadventure
  41. Misadvise
  42. Misadvised
  43. Misadvises
  44. Misadvising
  45. Misaim
  46. Misaimed
  47. Misaiming
  48. Misaims
  49. Misalign
  50. Misaligned
  51. Misaligning
  52. Misalignment
  53. Misalignments
  54. Misaligns
  55. Misalliance
  56. Misalliances
  57. Misallocate
  58. Misallocated
  59. Misallocates
  60. Misallocating
  61. Misallocation
  62. Misallocations
  63. Misanalyses
  64. Misanalysis
  65. Misanthrope
  66. Misanthropes
  67. Misanthropic
  68. Misanthropically
  69. Misanthropies
  70. Misanthropist
  71. Misanthropists
  72. Misanthropy
  73. Misapplication
  74. Misapplications
  75. Misapplied
  76. Misapplies
  77. Misapply
  78. Misapplying
  79. Misappraisal
  80. Misappraisals
  81. Misapprehend
  82. Misapprehended
  83. Misapprehending
  84. Misapprehends
  85. Misapprehension
  86. Misapprehensions
  87. Misappropriate
  88. Misappropriated
  89. Misappropriates
  90. Misappropriating
  91. Misappropriation
  92. Misappropriations
  93. Misarrange
  94. Misarranged
  95. Misarticulate
  96. Misarticulated
  97. Misarticulates
  98. Misarticulating
  99. Misassemble
  100. Misassembled
  101. Misassembles
  102. Misassembling
  103. Misassumption
  104. Misassumptions
  105. Misattribute
  106. Misattributed
  107. Misattributes
  108. Misattributing
  109. Misattribution
  110. Misattributions
  111. Misbalance
  112. Misbalanced
  113. Misbalances
  114. Misbalancing
  115. Misbegotten
  116. Misbehave
  117. Misbehaved
  118. Misbehaver
  119. Misbehavers
  120. Misbehaves
  121. Misbehaving
  122. Misbehaviour
  123. Misbehaviours
  124. Misbehaviour
  125. Misbehaviours
  126. Misbelieve
  127. Misbelieved
  128. Misbeliever
  129. Misbelievers
  130. Misbelieves
  131. Misbelieving
  132. Misbrand
  133. Misbranded
  134. Misbranding
  135. Misbrands
  136. Miscalculate
  137. Miscalculated
  138. Miscalculates
  139. Miscalculating
  140. Miscalculation
  141. Miscalculations
  142. Miscall
  143. Miscalled
  144. Miscalling
  145. Miscalls
  146. Miscarriage
  147. Miscarriages
  148. Miscarried
  149. Miscarries
  150. Miscarry
  151. Miscarrying
  152. Miscast
  153. Miscasting
  154. Miscasts
  155. Miscatalog
  156. Miscataloged
  157. Miscataloging
  158. Miscatalogs
  159. Miscellanea
  160. Miscellaneous
  161. Miscellaneously
  162. Miscellanies
  163. Miscellany
  164. Mischance
  165. Mischaracterization
  166. Mischaracterizations
  167. Mischaracterize
  168. Mischaracterized
  169. Mischaracterizes
  170. Mischaracterizing
  171. Mischarge
  172. Mischarged
  173. Mischarges
  174. Mischarging
  175. Mischief
  176. Mischievous
  177. Mischievously
  178. Mischievousness
  179. Miscibility
  180. Miscible
  181. Misclassification
  182. Misclassifications
  183. Misclassified
  184. Misclassifies
  185. Misclassify
  186. Misclassifying
  187. Miscode
  188. Miscoded
  189. Miscodes
  190. Miscoding
  191. Miscolour
  192. Miscoloured
  193. Miscolouring
  194. Miscolours
  195. Miscommunication
  196. Miscommunications
  197. Miscomprehend
  198. Miscomprehended
  199. Miscomprehending
  200. Miscomprehends
  201. Miscomprehension
  202. Miscomprehensions
  203. Miscomputation
  204. Miscomputations
  205. Miscompute
  206. Miscomputed
  207. Miscomputes
  208. Miscomputing
  209. Misconceive
  210. Misconceived
  211. Misconceiver
  212. Misconceivers
  213. Misconceives
  214. Misconceiving
  215. Misconception
  216. Misconceptions
  217. Misconnect
  218. Misconnected
  219. Misconnecting
  220. Misconnection
  221. Misconnections
  222. Misconnects
  223. Misconstruction
  224. Misconstructions
  225. Misconstrue
  226. Misconstrued
  227. Misconstrues
  228. Misconstruing
  229. Miscopied
  230. Miscopies
  231. Miscopy
  232. Miscopying
  233. Miscorrelation
  234. Miscorrelations
  235. Miscount
  236. Miscounted
  237. Miscounting
  238. Miscounts
  239. Miscreant
  240. Miscreants
  241. Miscue
  242. Miscued
  243. Miscues
  244. Miscuing
  245. Misdate
  246. Misdated
  247. Misdates
  248. Misdating
  249. Misdeal
  250. Misdealing
  251. Misdeals
  252. Misdealt
  253. Misdeed
  254. Misdeeds
  255. Misdemeanant
  256. Misdemeanants
  257. Misdiagnose
  258. Misdiagnosed
  259. Misdiagnoses
  260. Misdiagnosing
  261. Misdiagnosis
  262. Misdial
  263. Misdialled
  264. Misdialling
  265. Misdials
  266. Misdirect
  267. Misdirected
  268. Misdirecting
  269. Misdirection
  270. Misdirects
  271. Misdistribution
  272. Misdistributions
  273. Misdoing
  274. Misdoings
  275. Misdoubt
  276. Misdoubted
  277. Misdoubting
  278. Misdoubts
  279. Misemploy
  280. Misemployed
  281. Misemploying
  282. Misemployment
  283. Misemploys
  284. Miser
  285. Miserable
  286. Miseries
  287. Miserliness
  288. Miserly
  289. Misers
  290. Misery
  291. Misesteem
  292. Misesteemed
  293. Misesteeming
  294. Misesteems
  295. Misestimate
  296. Misestimates
  297. Misestimating
  298. Misevaluate
  299. Misevaluated
  300. Misevaluates
  301. Misevaluating
  302. Misevaluation
  303. Misevaluations
  304. Misfeasance
  305. Misfeasor
  306. Misfeasors
  307. Misfile
  308. Mistrust
  309. Misunderstand
  310. Misuse

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