Prefix DIS

Prefix DIS is widely used to form new words which may convey totally different meanings. A Prefix is placed before a root word to make a new word.

Here is the list of words with the Prefix DIS.

  1. Disability
  2. Disable
  3. Disabled
  4. Disabled
  5. Disablement
  6. Disabling
  7. Disabuse
  8. Disaccharidase
  9. Disaccharide
  10. Disaccord
  11. Disaccustom
  12. Disadvantage
  13. Disadvantaged
  14. Disadvantagedness
  15. Disadvantageous
  16. Disadvantageously
  17. Disadvantageousness
  18. Disaffect
  19. Disaffected
  20. Disaffiliate
  21. Disaffiliation
  22. Disaffirm
  23. Disaffirmance
  24. Disaggregate
  25. Disaggregation
  26. Disaggregative
  27. Disagree
  28. Disagreeable
  29. Disagreeableness
  30. Disagreeably
  31. Disagreement
  32. Disallow
  33. Disallowance
  34. Disambiguate
  35. Disambiguated
  36. Disambiguating
  37. Disambiguation
  38. Disannul
  39. Disappear
  40. Disappearance
  41. Disappoint
  42. Disappointed
  43. Disappointedly
  44. Disappointing
  45. Disappointingly
  46. Disappointment
  47. Disapprobation
  48. Disapproval
  49. Disapprove
  50. Disapprover
  51. Disapprovingly
  52. Disarm
  53. Disarmament
  54. Disarmer
  55. Disarming
  56. Disarmingly
  57. Disarrange
  58. Disarrangement
  59. Disarray
  60. Disarticulate
  61. Disarticulation
  62. Disassemble
  63. Disassembly
  64. Disassociate
  65. Disassociation
  66. Disaster
  67. Disaster Area
  68. Disastrous
  69. Disastrously
  70. Disavow
  71. Disavowable
  72. Disavowal
  73. Disband
  74. Disbandment
  75. Disbar
  76. Disbarment
  77. Disbelief
  78. Disbelieve
  79. Disbeliever
  80. Disbenefit
  81. Disbud
  82. Disburden
  83. Disburdenment
  84. Disburse
  85. Disbursed
  86. Disbursement
  87. Disburser
  88. Disbursing
  89. Discalced
  90. Discant
  91. Discard
  92. Discomfort
  93. Dismantle
  94. Dismiss
  95. Disorder
  96. Displace
  97. Displease
  98. Disprove
  99. Disqualified
  100. Disrespect
  101. Dissatisfied
  102. Disservice
  103. Dissimilar

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