Prefix AB

Prefix AB is widely used to form new words which may convey totally different meanings. A Prefix is placed before a root word to make a new word. These ROOT-WORDS are the Prefixes AB & ABS meaning AWAY, FROM & SEPARATION.

Here is the list of words with the Prefix AB.

  1. Abbreviate

  2. Abdicate

  3. Abduct

  4. Aberration

  5. Abhor

  6. Abjure

  7. Ablate

  8. Ablution

  9. Abnegate

  10. Abnormal

  11. Abolish

  12. Abortion

  13. Abrasion

  14. Abrogate

  15. Abscond

  16. Absolve

  17. Abstain

  18. Abstergent

  19. Abstract

  20. Absorb

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