Prayer Quotes

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Here are The Prayer Quotes.

  1. Prayers have three veils-

    Where of the first is prayers uttered only by the tongue.

    The second is when the mind, by hard endeavour and by firmest resolve, reaches a point at which, being untroubled by evil suggestions, it is able to concentrate itself on divine matters.

    The third veil is when the mind can with difficulty be diverted from dwelling on divine matters.

    But the marrow of prayer is seen when He who is invoked by prayer takes possession of the mind of him who prays ....
    (Nuruddin Abdur Rahman Jami : 15th century Persian Mystic : from Lawaih translated by Whinfield and Kazvini)

  2. He prayeth well who loveth well
    Both man and bird and beast.
    He prayeth best who loveth best
    All things both great and small
    For the dear God, who loveth us,
    He made and loveth all.
    (Coleridge : Ancient Mariner)

  3. Prayer was never intended to be a labour-saving device.

  4. People pray for more than they are willing to work for.

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