Possessive Pronoun

Grammar Index : 2

We use the Possessive Pronoun when we want to substitute a group of words that are indicating a possession relation.

Subject Possessive
I Mine
You Yours
He His
She Hers
It Its
We Ours
You Yours
They Theirs

For example :

  • This is my book.

    In this example, we can substitute my book for the possessive pronoun mine.

  • This is mine.

  • This is your disk and that's mine.

    Mine substitutes the word disk and shows that it belongs to me.

  • The smallest gift is mine.

  • This is yours.

    Here the possessive pronouns acts as a subject complement.

  • His is on the kitchen counter.

  • Theirs will be delivered tomorrow.

  • Ours is the green one on the corner.

    Here the possessive pronoun acts as the subject of the sentence.

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