Portmanteau Words are the one that blend the sounds and the meanings of two words. The word
Portmanteau is derived from the
French word
portmanteau, combined from
porter (to carry) and
manteau(mantle). While these Words originated in 16th century, Lewis Carroll is credited with coining this word (in Through the Looking Glass) based on the fact that portmanteau bag is one that opens into two equal parts.
However, many such Words catch on and latch on to the lexicon. Others do not and simply fade away into silent sunsets, having enjoyed their 15 minutes of glory.
Here is the complete list of Portmanteau words that the visitors could use in their communication. The visitors are welcome to send in the Portmanteau words that they come across to us so that we will add those words in this list and acknowledging the sender.
The meanings of all such words are apparent from the combination. Most of these words will not be found in standard dictionaries. But, the visitors can use their grey cells in putting the meanings of the two and two together to deduce the meaning of these words.
Portmanteau Words are also called
Centaur Words.
Absatively = absolutely + positively (This word was sent to us by our friend
Celeste from USA.)
- Adflation = advertising + inflation
- Beautility = beauty + utility
- Bit = binary + digit
- Bitini = bitsy + bikini
- Blog = web + log
- Bonk = bang + conk
- Breathalyzer = breath + analyzer
- Brunch = breakfast + lunch
- Camcorder = camera + recorder
- Chortle = chuckle + snort
- Cremains = cremated + remains
- Chunnel= channel + tunnel
- Diplonomics=diplomacy + economics
- E-commerce = electronic + commerce
- Email= electronic + mail
- Faction= fact + fiction
- Fantabulous= fantastic+ fabulous
- Fanzine= fanatic + magazine
- Feminar= feminine + seminar
- Frarority= fraternity + sorority
- Gasohol= gasoline + alcohol
- Ginormous= gigantic + enormous
- Guestimate= guess + estimate
- Hi-tech= high + technology
- Heliport + helicopter + airport
- Internet = international + network
- Interpol- international + police
- Jackpot= jack + pot
- Jaywalk= jay + walk
- Jerkwater = jerk + water
- Joypad= joystick + pad
- Laundromat = laundry + automat
- Manimal = man + animal
- Medevac = medical + evacuation
- Medicare = medical + care
- Mobike= motor + bike
- Modem = MOdulator + DEModulator
- Moped= motor + pedal
- Motel= motor + hotel
- Motorcade= motorcar + cavalcade
- Netiquette = Internet + etiquette
- Netizen = Internet + citizen
- Newscast = news + broadcast
- Oxbridge = Oxford + Cambridge
- Paratroop = parachute + troop
- Permalink = permanent + link
- Pluot = plum + apricot
- Podcast = iPod + broadcasting
- Sci-Fi= science + fiction
- Sexploitation = sex + exploitation
- Sexcercise = sex + exercise
- Sexting = Sex + texting
- Shamateur= sham+ amateur
- Smog = smoke + fog
- Splurge= splash+ surge
- Telecast= television + broadcast
- Telethon = telephone (or television) + marathon
- Telecom = telephone + Communication(s)
- Televangelist= television + evangelist
- Toughicult = tough + difficult
- Transistor= transfer + resistor
- Vash= volcanic + ash
- Webinar = web + seminar
- Workfar= work + welfare
The Beloved visitors are welcome to report the
Portmanteau Words that they may know to us so that those words will be added to this list.
Portmanteau Words are also called
Centaur Words.
Letter of Invitation|
Letter of Condolence|
Business Letters
Synonyms and Antonyms
English Teacher|
Longest Word |
Letter Writing
Misspelled Words|
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