Poem about Song
: The Song Unsung
Poem about Song : The Song Unsung :
So many people have sung so many songs
On and from earth to heaven
but they have not sung me
I am the song
Though I have the best beat
I move with a great rhythm
Yet I have not been put on music
The reason I know not
Nor I want to know
As it could be anything
But I am sure that it is not their ability
Neither the quality which I carry
If any one sings me
Instantly he or she will be
On the cloud nine
As I am the song
None has ever touched me
Purely unsung
Oh singers of the world
If you sing me
I shall make your fame to spread so wide
That your name can not hold
As I am the song unique
And totally unsung.
Abdul Wahab
Poem about Song : The Song Unsung
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