Poem about Mirror : The Mirror Struggled

Poem about Mirror : The Mirror Struggled :

The mirror struggled; reflecting beauty such as hers

Prescribed a glory in the challenge - a fairytale

Or such as like! To shimmer back hypnotic hues

From auras of her skin - how do mirrors cope?

Hoary tales of pretty adolescent buds

Could never hope to match the tomes of dreamy

Pulchritude apprising us of such a belle as she.

The mirror shone; and as it worked itself, a moment -

Did it overlook the hidden melancholy?

Were melting eyes bedewed-? Florid lips imbued

With mournfulness? The hindrance of the silver glass!

Oh! to seek - to know the meaning of the sorrow!

She (with tearful hair, an image out of heaven)

Never opened up her heart. The mirror struggled.

By Mark R Slaughter

Poem about Mirror : The Mirror Struggled

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