Poem about Couplet : Nurtured in Peace

Poem about Couplet : Nurtured in Peace :

The meadow nourished in softest

Sedges scattered amid violet milk weeds

Incredible flowered attractions

Hosting dainty butterflies, moths and bees

Each patrol finding warm sunny skie-s

Perfumed bliss softly summoning in

These many tiny witnesses for life

And too, sentinels diligently shield

Safe-guarding a precious new beginning

The fawn a tawny velvet-coated gift

Sheltered by loving aunts, sisters and

Mum over near the cedars, sedge and sun

She watches me in curiosity

Now a gawky yet cute adolescent

Quietly nibbling crabapples not far from

My sacred space on this prayer-filled morn

By Debora Short

Poem about Couplet : Nurtured in Peace

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