
English Grammar Index

Pie-Chart :

Go through the Pie-Chart given below and answer the questions by choosing the best options.

Data in respect of population in different states
in the year 2005


  1. 1. The most populous state is……

    (a) Andhra Pradesh

    (b) Bihar

    (c) U.P

    (d) Tamil Nadu

    ANSWER : c

  2. 2.The lowest populated state is………….

    (a) Maharashtra

    (b) Karnataka

    (c) Bihar

    (d) Kerala

    ANSWER : d

  3. 3.The second most populous state is.......

    (a) Kerala

    (b) U.P

    (c) Karnataka

    (d) Bihar

    ANSWER : d

  4. 4.The second least populous state is..........

    (a) Andhra Pradesh

    (b) Kerala

    (c) Bihar

    (d) U.P

    ANSWER : a

  5. 5. The state having 11% population is………

    (a) Karnataka

    (b) U.P

    (c) Maharashtra

    (d) Bihar

    ANSWER : c

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