Pick Up The Most Suitable Word 

Pick Up The Most Suitable Word :

( A ) “Please issue this book on my name for a week,” Mumtaz requested the librarian.

  1. Give
  2. Provide
  3. Issue ( ANSWER )
  4. Offer

( B ) As a child, I used to love reading comics like Phantom, Flash Gordon, Tintin, etc.

  1. Picture books
  2. Comics ( ANSWER )
  3. Comic
  4. Comedy books

( C ) My father had no objection to my attending the sports camp in New Delhi.

  1. Objection ( ANSWER )
  2. Interest
  3. Worry
  4. Thought

( D ) Every incident in our life teaches us a lesson.

  1. A moral
  2. A lesson ( ANSWER )
  3. An advice
  4. A skill

( E ) We have a lot of fun during summer holidays.

  1. Leaves
  2. Holidays ( ANSWER )
  3. Periods
  4. Times

( F ) I saw this person in the train a few days ago with his friends.

  1. Individual
  2. Person ( ANSWER )
  3. Personality
  4. Human

( G ) We saw a woman in the street begging even though she looked healthy and young.

  1. Woman ( ANSWER )
  2. Person
  3. Child
  4. Man

( H ) Where there are children, there is bound to be a lot of noise.

  1. Child
  2. Boys
  3. Girls
  4. Children ( ANSWER )

( I ) If you want something, you musk ask for it.

  1. Something ( ANSWER )
  2. Someone
  3. Somebody
  4. Anyone

( J ) You can not get anything in life without any effort.

  1. Anything ( ANSWER )
  2. Nothing
  3. Everything
  4. Something

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