The Complete List of Phobias

The list is endless. Here is a collection of thousands of Phobias.So enjoy this list and then get around for preparing your own list. There is no better way of boosting your words power. We have tried our best to make this site as informative as possible. It will certainly help in broadening the horizons of knowledge of the visitors.

This ROOT-WORD is PHOBIA which comes from Greek word Phobos which means IRRATIONAL FEAR.

The Phobias have been arranged in alphabetical order.

A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z

Another List of PHOBIAS in alphabetical order.

A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z

List of Phobias Related to

Number | Sex

Names of Phobias Related to the FEAR OF starting with....

A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z

The Complete List of Phobias in a single page.

The fequesntly used Phobias are :

1.Achluophobia : Irrational fear of dark places

2.Acoustic phobia: Irrational fear of sounds

3.Acrophobia : Irrational fear of heights

4.Aerophobia : Irrational fear of aero planes or flying or air

5.Agoraphobia : Irrational fear of open space

6.Ailurophobia : Irrational fear of cats

7.Algophobia : Irrational fear of pain

8.Androphobia : Irrational fear of men

9.Anemophobia : Irrational fear of wind

10.Apiophobia : Irrational fear of bees

11.Aqua phobia : Irrational fear of water

12.Arachnophobia : Irrational fear of spiders

13.Archnophobia : Irrational fear of spiders

14.Asthenophobia : Irrational fear of weakness

15.Astrophobia : Irrational fear of lightning

16.Auto phobia : Irrational fear of loneliness

17.Basiphobia : Irrational fear of walking

18.Bathophobia : Irrational fear of depths or deep places

19.Belonophobia : Irrational fear of needles

20.Botanophobia : Irrational fear of plants

21.Brontophobia : Irrational fear of thunder

22.Cacophobia : Irrational fear of ugliness

23.Callophobia : Irrational fear of beauty

24.Cheimophobia : Irrational fear of cold

25.Chionophobia : Irrational fear of snow

26.Chromo phobia: Irrational fear of colors

27.Chronophobia : Irrational fear of time

28.Claustrophobia : Irrational fear of confined places

29.Climacophobia : Irrational fear of stairs

30.Coitophobia : Irrational fear of sexual intercourse

31.Coprophobia : Irrational fear of faces

32.Cremiophobia : Irrational fear of loneliness

33.Cremonophobia: Irrational fear of heights

34.Cryophobia : Irrational fear of cold

35.Cynophobia : Irrational fear of dogs

36.Demo phobia : Irrational fear of people

37.Dermatophobia : Irrational fear of skin

38.Dipsophobia : Irrational fear of drinking or drunkenness

39.Dora phobia : Irrational fear of fur

40.Dromophobia : Irrational fear of streets or crossing streets

41.Emetophobia : Irrational fear of vomiting

42.Entomophobia : Irrational fear of insects

43.Eragsiophobia : Irrational fear of surgery

44.Eremiophobia : Irrational fear of stillness

45.Ergophobia : Irrational fear of work

46.Erythrophobia : Irrational fear of red

47.Galeophobia : Irrational fear of sharks

48.Gatophobia : Irrational fear of cats

49.Genophobia : Irrational fear of birth

50.Gephyrophobia : Irrational fear of bridges

51.Geraphobia : Irrational fear of old age

52.Gerascophobia : Irrational fear of old age

53.Gerontophobia : Irrational fear of old man

54.Geumophobia : Irrational fear of taste

55.Glossophobia : Irrational fear of public-speaking

56.Graphophobia : Irrational fear of writing

57.Gymnophobia : Irrational fear of nakedness

58.Gynaephobia : Irrational fear of women

59.Gynophobia : Irrational fear of marriage

60.Haematophobia: Irrational fear of blood

61.Haemophobia : Irrational fear of blood

62.Harpaxophobia : Irrational fear of robbers

63.Hedonophobia : Irrational fear of pleasure

64.Heliophobia : Irrational fear of Sunlight

65.Helminthophobia: Irrational fear of worms

66.Hippo phobia : Irrational fear of horses

67.Hodophobia : Irrational fear of travel

68.Homophobia : Irrational fear of sameness

69.Hydrophobia : Irrational fear of water

70.Hypnophobia : Irrational fear of sleep

71.Hypsophobia : Irrational fear of heights

72.Iatrophobia : Irrational fear of doctors

73.Ichthyophobia : Irrational fear of fish

74.Iophobia : Irrational fear of poisoning

75.Keno phobia : Irrational fear of going out in public or emptiness

76.Keraunophobia : Irrational fear of lightning and thunder

77.Kleptophobia : Irrational fear of thieves

78.Lalophobia : Irrational fear of speaking

79.Logo phobia : Irrational fear of words

80.Lygophobia : Irrational fear of dark places

81.Lyssophobia : Irrational fear of madness

82.Maieusiophobia: Irrational fear of childbirth

83.Mania phobia : Irrational fear of madness

84.Mastrophobia : Irrational fear of breasts

85.Melissophobia : Irrational fear of bees

86.Micro phobia : Irrational fear of small things

87.Microbiophobia: Irrational fear of germs

88.Mono phobia : Irrational fear of solitude

89.Musophobia : Irrational fear of mice

90.Necrophobia : Irrational fear of death or dead bodies

91.Neophobia : Irrational fear of newness

92.Nosophobis : Irrational fear of illness

93.Nyctophobia : Irrational fear of dark places

94.Nyctophobia : Irrational fear of nights

95.Ochlophobia : Irrational fear of crowds

96.Odontophobia : Irrational fear of teeth

97.Odynophobia : Irrational fear of pain

98.Ombrophobia : Irrational fear of rain

99.Onomatophobia: Irrational fear of a particular word

100..Ophidiophobia : Irrational fear of snakes

101.Ophidiophobia: Irrational fear of snakes

102.Ophthalmophobia: Irrational fear of eyes

103.Ornithophobia : Irrational fear of birds

104.Osmophobia: Irrational fear of odors

105.Paedophobia : Irrational fear of children

106.Pantophobia : Irrational fear of everything

107.Pathophobia : Irrational fear of illness

108.Peccatophobia: Irrational fear of sinning

109.Peniophobia: Irrational fear of penury

110.Phasmophobia : Irrational fear of ghosts

111.Phemophobia: Irrational fear of voices

112.Phobophobia : Irrational fear of fear

113.Phonophobia : Irrational fear of sound

114.Phronemophobia: Irrational fear of thinking

115.Plutophopbia: Irrational fear of wealth

116.Pnigeropphobia: Irrational fear smothering

117.Pnigophobia : Irrational fear of choking

118.Podophobia : Irrational fear of feet

119.Poinophobia : Irrational fear of punishments

120.Pornophobia : Irrational fear of Prostitutes

121.Potamophobia : Irrational fear of rivers

122.Psychrophobia : Irrational fear of cold

123.Pterophobia : Irrational fear of aero planes or flying

124.Pyrophobia : Irrational fear of fire

125.Scelerophobia : Irrational fear of burglars

126.Scoileciphobia : Irrational fear of worms

127.Scoptophobia : Irrational fear of watching

128.Scotophobia : Irrational fear of dark places

129.Siderodromophobia: Irrational fear of trains

130.Siderophobia : Irrational fear of stars

131.Sthenophobia : Irrational fear of strength

132.Synophobia : Irrational fear of togetherness

133.Taco phobia : Irrational fear of speed

134.Taeniophobia : Irrational fear of tapeworms

135.Taphophobia : Irrational fear of burial alive

136.Thalassophobia: Irrational fear of oceans

137.Thanatophobia : Irrational fear of death or dead bodies

138.Thermo phobia : Irrational fear of heat

139.Tomophobia : Irrational fear of surgery

140.Tonitrophobia : Irrational fear of thunder

141.Topophobia : Irrational fear of particular place

142.Toxicophobia : Irrational fear of poisoning

143.Traumatophobia: Irrational fear of injury

144.Triskaidekaphobia: Irrational fear of the number thirteen

145.Xenophobia : Irrational fear of foreigners

146.Xerophobia : Irrational fear of deserts or dry places

147.Zoophobia : Irrational fear of animals

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