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The ROOT-WORD is PHOBIA which comes from Greek word Phobos which means IRRATIONAL FEAR.

samhainophobia : Halloween

sarmassophobia : love play

satanophobia : satan

scabiophobia : scabies

scelerophibia : bad men, burglars

schlionophobia : school

sciophobia : shadows

scoleciphobia : worms

scolionophobia : school

scopophobia : being stared at

scotomaphobia : blindness in visual field

scotophobia : darkness

scriptophobia : writing in public

selaphobia : light flashes

selenophobia : the moon

seplophobia : decaying matter

sesquipedalophobia : long words

sexophobia : the opposite sex

siderodromophobia : trains

siderophobia : stars

sinistrophobia : left-handedness

sinophobia : chinese, chinese culture

sitophobia : food or eating

snakephobia : snakes (ophidiophobia)

soceraphobia : parents-in-law

social phobia : being evaluated negatively

sociophobia : society

somniphobia : sleep

sophophobia : learning

soteriophobia : dependence on others

spacephobia : outer space

spectrophobia : specters or ghosts

spermophobia : germs

sphexsophobia : wasps

stasibasiphobia : standing or walking

staurophobia : crosses or the crucifix

stenophobia : narrow things or places

stygiophobia : hell

suriphobia : mice

symbolophobia : symbolism

symmetrophobia : symmetry

syngenesophobia : relatives

syphilophobia : syphilis
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