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The ROOT-WORD is PHOBIA which comes from Greek word Phobos which means IRRATIONAL FEAR.

obesophobia : gaining weight

ochlophobia : crowds or mobs

ochophobia : vehicles

octophobia : the figure 8

odontophobia : dental surgery

odynophobia : pain

oenophobia : wines

oikophobia : home surroundings, house

olfactophobia : smells

ombrophobia : rain

ommetaphobia : eyes

oneirogmophobia : wet dreams

oneirophobia : dreams

onomatophobia : hearing a certain word

ophidiophobia : snakes

ophthalmophobia : being stared at

optophobia : opening one's eyes

ornithophobia : birds

orthophobia : property

osmophobia : smells or odors

osphresiophobia : smells

ostraconophobia : shellfish

ouranophobia : heaven
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