A Word A Day : Paean

Thursday, 6th March 2008 : Today's Word is ...


(also spelt PEAN)

( Noun )

Pronunciation : pe-en


1. a written, spoken or musical expression of enthusiastic praise or rapturous joy

2. an expression of approval and commendation

3. a song of joyful praise or exultation

4. an ancient Greek hymn of thanksgiving or invocation, especially to Apollo

Paean (also spelt pean): a song or chant of triumphant rejoicing usually after a military victory. Originally choral hymns of thanksgiving to the Greek god Apollo : Paeans were later extended to other gods and to military leaders


Late 16th century - Via Latin - religious hymn (originally in honor of Apollo) - Greek paian - Paian - name for Apollo


acclaim, acclamation, accolade, adulation, applause, citation, commendation, compliment, encomium, exaltation, glorification, laudation, paean, panegyric, plaudit, salutation, tribute, eulogy


condemnation, damning, defamation, vilification

Contextual Examples:

• The choir sang the requested paean to the congregation.

• This quickly took us out of range of Red-Eye and the last we saw of him was far out on a point of land where he was jumping up and down and chanting a paean of victory.

• This art was nothing but a paean to paganism.

Related Words:

paeanistic : Adjective

pean : Noun

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