PSAT Vocabulary

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Here is the complete list of PSAT Vocabulary.

  1. Absolve
  2. Abstract
  3. Accessible
  4. Accommodate
  5. Acknowledge
  6. Acrimony
  7. Adverse
  8. Aesthetic
  9. Affable
  10. Affinity
  11. Affluence
  12. Alleviate
  13. Altruistic
  14. Ambiguous
  15. Ambivalence
  16. Amenable
  17. Ample
  18. Antagonism
  19. Antiquated
  20. Apathy
  21. Apprehension
  22. Apprenticeship
  23. Appropriate
  24. Appropriate
  25. Aristocracy
  26. Arrogance
  27. Aspire
  28. Assert
  29. Assumption
  30. Attain
  31. Authentic
  32. Autonomous
  33. Aversion

  34. Beneficial
  35. Benevolent
  36. Benign
  37. Betray
  38. Blight
  39. Blithe
  40. Brittle
  41. Buoyant

  42. Candour
  43. Captivate
  44. Caricature
  45. Censor
  46. Charlatan
  47. Chronicle
  48. Circumspect
  49. Cite
  50. Cliché
  51. Coalesce
  52. Compliance
  53. Component
  54. Compromise
  55. Condone
  56. Conformity
  57. Congenial
  58. Consistency
  59. Console
  60. Consolidation
  61. Contentious
  62. Convention
  63. Corrosion
  64. Curtail
  65. Cynical

  66. Dawdle
  67. Defamation
  68. Defiance
  69. Degenerate
  70. Demean
  71. Denounce
  72. Depict
  73. Deplete
  74. Deplore
  75. Derision
  76. Derivative
  77. Detached
  78. Deterrent
  79. Didactic
  80. Digression
  81. Discernible
  82. Disclaimer
  83. Disclose
  84. Discord
  85. Disinterested
  86. Dismiss
  87. Disparage
  88. Disparate
  89. Dispel
  90. Disperse
  91. Dissent
  92. Dissipate
  93. Distinction
  94. Divulge
  95. Docile
  96. Doctrine
  97. Dogmatic

  98. Eclipse
  99. Elated
  100. Elusive
  101. Embellish
  102. Endorse
  103. Enhance
  104. Enigma
  105. Enumerate
  106. Erode
  107. Erratic
  108. Erroneous
  109. Esoteric
  110. Espouse
  111. Esteem
  112. Excerpt
  113. Exemplary
  114. Expedite
  115. Exploit

  116. Facilitate
  117. Fallacious
  118. Farce
  119. Fastidious
  120. Feasible
  121. Flippant
  122. Forthright
  123. Frail
  124. Futile

  125. Garrulous
  126. Generate
  127. Gluttonous
  128. Gratify
  129. Gregarious

  130. Hamper
  131. Heed
  132. Hindrance
  133. Hostility
  134. Hypocritical
  135. Hypothetical

  136. Iconoclastic
  137. Immutable
  138. Impair
  139. Impede
  140. Imperceptible
  141. Implacable
  142. Implement
  143. Implication
  144. Incongruity
  145. Inconsequential
  146. Inconsistency
  147. Incorporate
  148. Indict
  149. Indifferent
  150. Induce
  151. Industrious
  152. Inept
  153. Infallible
  154. Ingenious
  155. Ingenuous
  156. Ingrate
  157. Inherent
  158. Initiate
  159. Innate
  160. Innocuous
  161. Inscrutable
  162. Insightful
  163. Intangible
  164. Intricacy
  165. Irony

  166. Judicious
  167. Juxtapose
  168. Just
  169. Job
  170. Jumped
  171. Joined
  172. Japanese

  173. Keep
  174. Kept
  175. Key
  176. Killed
  177. Kind
  178. Kinetic
  179. King
  180. Knew
  181. Know
  182. Known

  183. Larceny
  184. Loathe
  185. Largess
  186. Laud
  187. Legacy
  188. Lethargy
  189. Levity
  190. Libel
  191. Loquacious
  192. Litigate
  193. Lucid
  194. Lugubrious
  195. Luminous

  196. Malice
  197. Meek
  198. Meticulous
  199. Milieu
  200. Minuscule
  201. Misanthropic
  202. Misconception
  203. Misrepresent
  204. Mitigate
  205. Mock
  206. Mollify
  207. Monarchy
  208. Monolithic
  209. Monotony
  210. Moribund
  211. Morose
  212. Mortify
  213. Mundane
  214. Munificent
  215. Mutability
  216. Myopia
  217. Myriad

  218. Naiveté
  219. Narcissism
  220. Nebulous
  221. Nefarious
  222. Neologism
  223. Nepotism
  224. Nihilism
  225. Nocturnal
  226. Nominal
  227. Nostalgia
  228. Notorious
  229. Nurture

  230. Obnoxious
  231. Obscure
  232. Obtuse
  233. Officious
  234. Onerous
  235. Opaque
  236. Optimist
  237. Opulent
  238. Orthodox
  239. Ostensible
  240. Ostentatious
  241. Outmoded

  242. Pacifist
  243. Pacify
  244. Paradox
  245. Patronize
  246. Pedantic
  247. Perjury
  248. Perpetual
  249. Pervasive
  250. Pessimism
  251. Petulant
  252. Phenomena
  253. Philanthropist
  254. Plagiarize
  255. Potency
  256. Pragmatic
  257. Precedent
  258. Predator
  259. Premise
  260. Premonition
  261. Prevail
  262. Prey
  263. Profound
  264. Proliferation
  265. Prolific
  266. Prologue
  267. Prominent
  268. Promote
  269. Prophetic
  270. Prosperity
  271. Provocative
  272. Prudent

  273. Qualify
  274. Qualitative
  275. Quantify
  276. Quality
  277. Quantity
  278. Querulous
  279. Quixotic

  280. Random
  281. Recluse
  282. Refute
  283. Relinquish
  284. Renown
  285. Repudiate
  286. Reserved
  287. Resolution
  288. Resolve
  289. Restraint
  290. Retain
  291. Reticent
  292. Reverent
  293. Ruthless

  294. Satirize
  295. Scrutinize
  296. Seclusion
  297. Serenity
  298. Sever
  299. Severity
  300. Singular
  301. Skeptical
  302. Stratagem
  303. Subdued
  304. Superficial
  305. Superfluous
  306. Suppress
  307. Surpass
  308. Suspend
  309. Sustain
  310. Symmetry
  311. Synthesis

  312. Taciturn
  313. Tedious
  314. Temperament
  315. Termination
  316. Thwart
  317. Toxic
  318. Transparent
  319. Trepidation
  320. Turbulence

  321. Ubiquitous
  322. Unconscionable
  323. Unctuous
  324. Uniform
  325. Unremitting
  326. Unwitting
  327. Urbane
  328. Usurp
  329. Utilitarian
  330. Utopia

  331. Vacillate
  332. Verisimilitude
  333. Vernacular
  334. Versatile
  335. Vestige
  336. Vex
  337. Viable
  338. Vicarious
  339. Vicissitude
  340. Vigour
  341. Vilify
  342. Vindicate
  343. Vindictive
  344. Virtuoso
  345. Virulent
  346. Visionary
  347. Volatile

  348. Wanton
  349. Wary
  350. Wilful
  351. Wistful
  352. Withhold

  353. Xanthic
  354. Xanthous

  355. Yawn

  356. Zeal
  357. Zealous
  358. Zest

Here is the complete list of PSAT Vocabulary.

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