
Here is the largest collection of Oxymorons beginning with ~ N ~.

Nameless Celebrity
Nasty Politeness
National Medicare Program
Native American
Natural Artifact
Natural Makeup
Natural Synthetic
Near Future
Near Miss
Nearly Complete
Neat Mess
Neat Office
Necessary Evil
Negative Gain
Negative Growth (Economic Recession)
Negative Impact
Negative Momentum
Neolithic (New Stone Age)
Net Security
Neutral Charge
Never Again
Never Generalize
New And Improved
New Antique (New Antiques Arriving Daily!)
New Archeology
New Classic
New Cliché
New Democrat
New Improved
New Mexico
New Routine
New Tradition
New Used Cars
Nice And Sleazy
Night Light
Night Vision
Noble Savage
No Comment
No-Good Do-Gooder!
Noiseless Sound
Noisy Mime
Non-Alcoholic Beer
Non-Alcoholic Wine
Non-Dairy Creamer
Non-Denominational Church
Non-Fat Cream
Non-Fat Ice Cream
Non-Profit Organizations
Non-Stick Glue
Non-Stick Gum
Non-Stick Velcro
Non-Stop Flight
Non-Toxic Bug Spray
Non-Working Mother
Normal Deviation
Normal Espionage
Normal Human
Nothing Much
Now, Then
Nuclear Defense
Numb Feeling
Numbing Sensation

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