Outline Your Talk from your draft -
Outline Your Talk from your draft -
No one wants to listen to any speaker read a speech word for word. If you think you can read your speech in such a way that no one knows it, think again. It makes much more sense to create an outline of your talk and then to present the talk from that. The outline could be on a sheet of paper, on note cards or on a laptop computer. But however you do it, remember that people expect a short informal talk to have some of the spontaneity, the eye contact and the flow of normal speech.
Remember too that on the day of your talk you may well encounter less than ideal conditions. You might want to use 14-point type for your notes - in case the light is not good. If you are using multiple note cards or sheets of paper, be sure to number them. Many speakers like to collect their notes in a binder, so that all they have to do is turn pages and not worry about pieces of paper falling on the floor or getting out of order. Find a system that lets you easily look back and forth between your notes and your audience. The more effortlessly you can seem to do that, the more comfortable the audience will be with your presentation. Many speakers who use PowerPoint or some other kind of presenta¬tion software find these programs to be helpful at the planning stages as well. Because you will often use your PowerPoint slides to call out your major points, it can make sense to prepare your outline and your PowerPoint slides at the same time. To continue the section on Giving Oral Presentations, 1. Size up the situation. 2. Write out a rough draft of your talk. 3. Outline your talk from your draft - start planning your visuals. 4. Decide on props and visuals. 5. Practice. 6. Deliver the talk. 7. Answer Questions Carefully. 8. Get feedback. Successful Writing | Outline Your Talk to HOME PAGE |
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