Climbs Out of Trouble : A Raman Story
Let us enjoy reading this Raman Story of Rama Climbs Out of Trouble .
Tenali Raman once incurred the displeasure of the king, and the monarch ordered him to quit his dominions.
Some days later as the king was riding through a forest, he saw a man, who on seeing the king, promptly climbed up a tree.
The king stopped under the tree and looking up saw that it was Tenali Raman.
"You are still here!" he thundered. "Did l not tell you to leave my kingdom?"
"You did, Your Majesty," said Raman.
"Accordingly, I traveled all over the world, but wherever I went l learnt that l was still in your dominions. Now the only thing left for me to do is to go to Heaven, and as you can see l have already made a start in that direction."
The king laughed and forgave the jester.
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