Online Dictionary
English Vocabulary Index
Online Dictionary for 17th June :
- Label (n): a ticket, a title, address, a piece of paper describing something
Label (v) : name the parts
Labial (adj.): pertaining to the lips
Laborious (adj.) : industrious, diligent, hard
Labour (n) : work, pains of child birth
Labour (v) : toil
Labourer (n) : a worker
Labrador (n) : a kind of black dog
Labyrinth (n) : network of winding roads
Lac (n): a dark resin or red gum, lakh (in India)
Lace (n): thong tie, ornamental thread work
Lacerate (v) : to tear, to wound
Laches (n) : neglect
Lack (v): be in want
Lack (n) : deficiency, need, want
Lackadaisical (adj.): appearance lazy
Lackey (n) : a foot man, an attendant, menial
Lacquey (n) : a foot man, an attendant, menial
Laconic (adj.): concise, short
Lactic (adj.) : pertaining to milk
Lacuna (n): a blank; (pl) : lacunae
Lad (n): a boy
Ladder (n): a portable frame with steps by which one may climb or down
Laden (adj.): burdened, loaded
Ladle (n) : large deep cup-shaped spoon
Lady (n): female, a woman of noble birth, a female of rank or position
Lag (v): move or walk too slowly
Lagoon (n) : a shallow lake (salt water) separated from sea or river
Lain (v) : past participle of LIE
Lair (n) : den or resting place of wild animals
Laity (n) : common people, laymen
Lake (n) : a large inland body of water
Lakh (n) : measure of one hundred thousand
Online Dictionary for 17th June :
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