A Word A Day : Onerous

Saturday, 13th October 2007 : Today's Word is ...


( Adjective )

Pronunciation : o-ne-ress

1. Representing a great burden or much trouble

2. Involving obligations that are more disadvantageous than advantageous

3. Marked by great psychological weight

4. Not easily borne


14th century - Via Old French onéreux - Latin onerosus - oner-, stem of onus "burden"


Burdensome, Arduous, Heavy, Difficult, Tiring, Time-Consuming, Tedious, Taxing


Easy, Trouble Free

Contextual Examples:

• It is a very onerous business, this of being served, and the debtor naturally wishes to give you a slap.

Related Words :

1. Onerously: Adverb

2. Onerousness: Noun

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