Omission of Articles

English Grammar Index

Omission of Articles :

  1. Do not use any article before the names of countries, person, months and specific places.

    Examples :




    Anna Salai




  2. Do not use any article before the names of metals.

    Examples :

    Iron and coal are found in England. Gold is very costly.

  3. Do not use any article before the names of languages.

    Examples :

    Hindi is a difficult language

    We are studying Arabic.

  4. Do not use any article before the abstract nouns.

    Examples :

    Truth prevails.

    Knowledge is power.

    Love is God.

    Honesty is the best policy.

    Poverty is the worst crisis.

    Wisdom will win.

    Absence is not tolerated.

    Strength never fails.

    Wisdom is the gift of heaven.

    Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

  5. Do not use any article before the common nouns.

    Examples :

    Cats like mice.

    Boys play games

    Apples are cheap in Kashmir.

  6. Do not use any article before the names of games.

    Examples :

    I play Tennis.

    They play football.

    Baseball is famous in USA.

    Chess is played by intelligent people.

  7. Do not use any article before the names of relatives.

    Examples :

    Father has gone out.

    Aunt wants you to see her.

    Mother is the symbol of love.

    Sister means affection.

  8. We don’t use any article before names of continents and countries.

    Examples :

    Asia, Norway, Sri Lanka,

    Note : We use the, before the names of countries or States which include words like republic, union, kingdom, states

    Examples :

    The United Kingdom, The United States of America

  9. When we want to mentions about the buildings which are for School, hospital, court, church, prison, market, etc., we have use THE.

    Examples :

    The injured man was taken to hospital.

    The Minister visited the hospital.

    The murderer was sent to prison.

    The Wall of the prison must be very high.

  10. Do not use any article before the names of foods and festivals.

    Examples :

    Breakfast is at eight O’clock.

    He takes sugar with his tea.

    We celebrate Holy in the month of March.

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