Difficult Words : Obsequious and Obscure
Difficult Words : Obsequious and Obscure Obsequious (ub SEE kwee us) adj: fawning, subservient, sucking up to Ann's assistant was so obsequious that she could never tell what he really thought about anything. My obsequious friend seemed to live only to make me happy and never wanted to do anything if I said I didn't want to do it. We have tried our best to make this site as informative as possible. It will certainly help in broadening the horizons of knowledge of the visitors. We also apologize for the mistakes which are not deliberately committed. Both suggestions and criticisms to enhance the quality of this site are sincerely welcomed. Use our Contact Us form to submit both your suggestions and criticisms. This site in general and this page in particular will certainly help the visitors to increase their knowledge of vocabulary in an exhaustive way. Whilst browsing through this list, at one full swoop you will pick up many words with the same or a related and the opposite meaning. Vocabulary| English Teacher| Etymology| Longest Word | Letter Writing Proverbs| Misspelled Words| Contractions | Obsequious to HOME PAGE |
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