Nursery Rhymes

Nursery Rhymes :

Most children love being told Nursery Rhymes. The most popular rhymes are listed here. Even elders love to hear these rhymes. They are sweet to our ears forever. These rhymes speak volumes about the interest shown by the education department to enthuse the children to speak out.

The list is clearly not exhaustive but it is believed that a good cross section of famous poems for children have been included. We have selected the most famous Nursery Rhymes for children. We have done our best to collect all the Nursery Rhymes from all sources and add them here for your reference. The addition of more and more rhymes is going on everyday.

These Nursery Rhymes for children have been passed down over the years and due to the short nature of the verse can easily be remembered by most children from a very early age. Analysis of these Nursery Rhymes will reflect the historical background in which these Nursery Rhymes were written.

  1. I am a little tea-pot.
  2. I am a Pretty Little Dutch Girl.
  3. I am A Dingly Dangly Scarecrow.
  4. I am A Little Airplane.
  5. I Am A Little Teapot.
  6. I Am A Skyscraper Wean.
  7. I am a Tiger...
  8. I Am Big Tree...
  9. I am His Highness Dog.
  10. I Am of Ireland.
  11. I Am Special
  12. I am The King of The Castle.
  13. I Asked My Mother.
  14. I Can See Left.
  15. I clap with my hands.
  16. I do not like thee, Doctor Fell
  17. I Do Not Want To Go To Mexico.
  18. I Dreamed.
  19. I Had A Little Doggy.
  20. I Had A Little Hen. - 1
  21. I Had A Little Hen. - 2
  22. I Had a Little Hobbyhorse.
  23. I Had A Little Horse.
  24. I Had A Little Husband.
  25. I Had A Little Nut Tree. - 1
  26. I Had A Little Nut Tree. - 2
  27. I had a little pony
  28. I had a little wife.
  29. I Have A Little Cough.
  30. I Have A Little Nose.
  31. I Have No Name.
  32. I hear Bells.
  33. I Hear Thunder. - 1
  34. I hear Thunder. - 2
  35. I Heard A Horseman.
  36. I Know A Child.
  37. I Like Coffee.
  38. I Love Little Pussy. - 1
  39. I Love Little Pussy. - 2
  40. I Love Little Pussy. - 3
  41. I Love Little Pussy. - 4
  42. I Love Six Pence.
  43. I Must Not Tease My Mother.
  44. I Must Not Throw.
  45. I Saw A Fish Pond. - 1
  46. I Saw A Fish Pond. - 2
  47. I Saw A Sea Saw.
  48. I Saw A Ship A-Sailing.
  49. I Saw Three Ships On New Year Day.
  50. I See The Moon. - 1
  51. I See The Moon. - 2
  52. I Walked Abroad.
  53. I Went To Town.
  54. I Will Sing.
  55. I Will Tell You A Story.
  56. I Would Not Be The Jack of My Father.
  57. Ice Cream
  58. Ice Cream A Penny A Lump
  59. If All The Seas
  60. If All The World
  61. If All The World Was Apple Pie
  62. If all the world was paper...
  63. If Ever I See
  64. If I Had A Donkey
  65. If I Were An Apple...
  66. If Ifs and Ans
  67. If The Evening is Red
  68. If The Oak Is Out Before The Ash
  69. If Wishes Were Horses - 1
  70. If Wishes Were Horses - 2
  71. If You are Happy and You Know It
  72. In A Cottage In A Wood
  73. In A Village
  74. In April
  75. In Jumping and Tumbling
  76. In Marble Halls As White As Milk
  77. In The Days of Long Ago
  78. In The Firelight
  79. In Winter When Fields Are White
  80. Incy Wincy Spider! - 1
  81. Incy Wincy Spider! - 2
  82. Insy Winsy Spider! - 3
  83. Intery Mintery Cutery Corn
  84. Ipsey Wipsey spider
  85. It is Raining. It is Pouring.
  86. Itsy Bitsy Spider! - 1
  87. Itsy Bitsy Spider! - 2

Nursery Rhymes

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