Names of Baby Animals

Beauties of English Index

This list provides the Names of Baby Animals.

Animal Young
Alligator hatchling
Ant antling
Antelope calf, fawn, kid or yearling
Ass foal
Badger cub
Bear cub
Beaver kit, kitten, pup
Bee larva
Bird nestling, hatchling, chick
Bison calf
Boar boarlet, piglet, shoat, farrow
Bobcat kitten or cub
Buffalo calf, yearling, or spike-bull
Camel calf or colt
Canary chick
Caribou calf or fawn
Cat kit, kitling, kitten or pussy
Cattle calf, stot or yearling (m. bullcalf or f. heifer)
Chicken chick, chicken, poult, cockerel or pullet
Cicada nymph
Cod codling, scrod or sprag
Cougar kitten or cub
Coyote whelp, pup
Crocodile hatchling
Deer fawn
Dog whelp or puppy
Dolphin calf, pup
Dove pigeon or squab
Duck duckling or flapper
Eagle eaglet, fledgling
Echidna puggle
Eel fry or elver
Elephant calf
Elk calf
Ferret kit
Fish fry, fingerling, minnow or spawn
Fly grub or maggot
Fox kit, cub, pup
Frog polliwog, tadpole, froglet
Giraffe calf
Goat kid
Goose gosling
Gorilla infant
Grouse chick, poult, squealer or cheeper
Guinea pig pup
Hare leveret
Hawk eyas
Hedgehog pup, piglet
Hippopotamus calf
Horse foal, colt (m), filly (f), stat, stag, hog-colt, youngster, yearling or hogget
Kangaroo joey
Leopard cub
Lion whelp, cub or lionet
Louse nit
Manatee calf
Mink kit or cub
Monkey suckling, yearling or infant
Moose calf
Mosquito larva, flapper, wriggler, wiggler, nymph
Mouse pup, kitten
Mule foal
Muskrat kit
Opossum joey
Ostrich chick
Otter pup, kitten, whelp or cub
Owl owlet or howlet
Ox stot, calf
Oyster set seed, spat or brood
Partridge cheeper
Peacock chick, pea-chick
Pelican chick, nestling
Penguin fledgling,chick
Pheasant chick, poult
Pig shoat, farrow, piglet
Pigeon squab, nestling, squealer
Platypus puggle
Possum joey
Quail cheeper, chick, squealer
Rabbit kitten, bunny
Raccoon Kit, cub
Rat kitten, pup
Reindeer fawn
Rhinoceros calf
Salmon salmon parr, smolts, fry
Sea Lion pup
Seal whelp, pup, cub, bachelor
Shark pup
Sheep lamb, lambkin, shearling or yearling
Skunk kitten
Squirrel kitten
Swan cygnet, flapper
Swine shoat, trotter, pig or piglet
Termite nymph
Tiger whelp, cub
Toad tadpole
Trout fry
Turkey chick, poult
Walrus cub
Weasel kit
Whale calf
Wolf cub, pup
Woodchuck kit, cub
Zebra foal, colt (m), filly(f)
This is the list of the Names of Baby Animals.

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