Name of Phobia for

Name of Phobia for :

  1. Sacred things or priests — Hierophobia.

  2. Satan — Satanophobia.

  3. Scabies — Scabiophobia.

  4. School, going to school — Didaskaleinophobia.

  5. School — Scolionophobia.

  6. Scientific terminology, complex — Hellenologophobia.

  7. Scratches or being scratched — Amychophobia.

  8. Sea or ocean — Thalassophobia.

  9. Self, seeing oneself in a mirror — Eisoptrophobia.

  10. Self, personal odor — Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia.

  11. Self, being alone — Autophobia, Eremophobia, Eremiphobia or Isolophobia.

  12. Self, being dirty — Automysophobia.

  13. Self, being oneself — Autophobia.

  14. Self, being seen or looked at — Scopophobia or Scoptophobia.

  15. Self, being touched — Aphenphosmphobia.

  16. Self, that one has a vile odor — Autodysomophobia.

  17. Semen — Spermatophobia or Spermophobia.

  18. Sermons — Homilophobia.

  19. Sex — Genophobia.

  20. Sex, opposite — Heterophobia or Sexophobia.

  21. Sexual abuse — Agraphobia or Contreltophobia.

  22. Sexual intercourse — Coitophobia.

  23. Sexual love or sexual questions — Erotophobia.

  24. Sexual perversion — Paraphobia.

  25. Shadows — Sciophobia or Sciaphobia.

  26. Sharks — Selachophobia.

  27. Shellfish — Ostraconophobia.

  28. Shock — Hormephobia.

  29. Sin or of having committted an unpardonable sin — Enosiophobia or Enissophobia.

  30. Sin — Hamartophobia.

  31. Single, staying single — Anuptaphobia.

  32. Sinning — Peccatophobia.

  33. Sitting down — Kathisophobia.

  34. Sitting — Cathisophobia or Thaasophobia.

  35. Situations, certain — Topophobia.

  36. Skin disease — Dermatosiophobia.

  37. Skin lesions — Dermatophobia.

  38. Skin of animals, fur — Doraphobia.

  39. Sleep — Somniphobia.

  40. Sleep or being hypnotized — Hypnophobia.

  41. Slime — Blennophobia or Myxophobia.

  42. Slopes, steep — Bathmophobia.

  43. Small things — Microphobia, Mycrophobia.

  44. Smells or odors — Olfactophobia.

  45. Smothered, being or choking — Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia.

  46. Snakes — Ophidiophobia or Snakephobia.

  47. Snow — Chionophobia.

  48. Social (fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations) — Social Phobia.

  49. Society or people in general — Anthropophobia or Sociophobia.

  50. Solitude — Monophobia.

  51. Sounds — Acousticophobia.

  52. Sourness — Acerophobia.

  53. Space, closed or locked in an enclosed space — Cleithrophobia, Cleisiophobia, Clithrophobia.

  54. Space, outer — Spacephobia. S

  55. paces, confined — Claustrophobia.

  56. Spaces, empty — Cenophobia, Centophobia or Kenophobia.

  57. Spaces, open — Agoraphobia.

  58. Speak, trying to — Glossophobia.

  59. Speaking — Laliophobia or Lalophobia.

  60. Speaking aloud, voices or noises, or telephones — Phonophobia.

  61. Speaking in public — Glossophobia.

  62. Specters or ghosts — Spectrophobia.

  63. Speed — Tachophobia.

  64. Spiders — Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia.

  65. Spirits — Pneumatiphobia.

  66. Stage fright — Topophobia.

  67. Stairs or climbing stairs — Climacophobia.

  68. Stairways — Bathmophobia.

  69. Stand, inability to — Basiphobia or Basophobia.

  70. Standing upright — Basistasiphobia or Basostasophobia.

  71. Standing up — Stasiphobia.

  72. Standing up and walking — Stasibasiphobia.

  73. Stared at, being — Ophthalmophobia.

  74. Stars — Siderophobia or Astrophobia.

  75. Statements, false or myths or stories — Mythophobia.

  76. Staying single — Anuptaphobia.

  77. Stealing — Cleptophobia or Kleptophobia.

  78. Step-father — Vitricophobia.

  79. Steep slopes — Bathmophobia.

  80. Step-mother — Novercaphobia.

  81. Stings — Cnidophobia.

  82. Stooping — Kyphophobia.

  83. Stories or myths or false statements — Mythophobia.

  84. Strangers or foreigners — Xenophobia.

  85. Streets, crossing streets — Dromophobia.

  86. Streets — Agyrophobia. String — Linonophobia.

  87. Storm, thunder — Brontophobia. Stuttering — Psellismophobia. Suffering and disease — Panthophobia.

  88. Sun or sunlight — Heliophobia.

  89. Sunshine or daylight — Phengophobia.

  90. Surgeon’s fear of operating, work or functioning — Ergasiophobia.

  91. Surgical operations — Tomophobia.

  92. Swallowing or eating — Phagophobia.

  93. Symbolism — Symbolophobia.

  94. Symmetry — Symmetrophobia.

  95. Syphillis (lues) — Luiphobia or Syphilophobia.