Name of Phobia for

Name of Phobia for :

  1. Pain — Algiophobia, Ponophobia, Odynophobia or Odynephobia.

  2. Paper — Papyrophobia.

  3. Parasites — Parasitophobia.

  4. Parents-in-law — Soceraphobia.

  5. Peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth — Arachibutyrophobia.

  6. Pellagra — Pellagrophobia.

  7. Penis, erect — Medorthophobia.

  8. Penis, esp erect — Phallophobia.

  9. Penis, erect, seeing, thinking about or having — Ithyphallophobia.

  10. Penis, losing an erection — Medomalacuphobia.

  11. People — Anthropophobia.

  12. People in general or society — Sociophobia.

  13. People, deformed or bearing a deformed child — Teratophobia.

  14. Philosophy — Philsosphobia.

  15. Phobias — Phobophobia.

  16. Phobic prefering fearful situations — Counterphobia.

  17. Pins and needles — Belonephobia.

  18. Pins — Enetophobia.

  19. Place, locked in an enclosed place — Cleithrophobia, Cleisiophobia, or Clithrophobia.

  20. Place, being in a dark or gloomy — Lygophobia.

  21. Places, certain — Topophobia.

  22. Places, crowded public — Agoraphobia.

  23. Places, open high — Aeroacrophobia.

  24. Places or things, narrow — Stenophobia.

  25. Plants — Botanophobia.

  26. Pleasure, feeling — Hedonophobia.

  27. Poetry — Metrophobia.

  28. Pointed objects — Aichmophobia.

  29. Poison — Iophobia.

  30. Poisoned, being — Toxiphobia, Toxophobia, or Toxicophobia.

  31. Poliomyelitis, contracting — Poliosophobia.

  32. Politicians — Politicophobia.

  33. Pope — Papaphobia.

  34. Poverty — Peniaphobia.

  35. Praise, receiving — doxophobia.

  36. Precipices — Cremnophobia.

  37. Prescribing medicine for patients by a doctor — Opiophobia.

  38. Priests or sacred things — Hierophobia.

  39. Progress — Prosophobia.

  40. Property — Orthophobia.

  41. Prostitutes or venereal disease — Cypridophobia, Cypriphobia, Cyprianophobia, or Cyprinophobia.

  42. Punishment or flogging — Mastigophobia.

  43. Punishment by a rod or other instrument, or of being severely criticized — Rhabdophobia.

  44. Punishment — Poinephobia.

  45. Puppets — Pupaphobia.

  46. Purple, color — Porphyrophobia.

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