Name of Phobia for

Name of Phobia for :

  1. Ice or frost — Pagophobia.

  2. Ice, frost or extreme cold — Cryophobia.

  3. Ideas — Ideophobia.

  4. Ignored, being — Athazagoraphobia.

  5. Imperfection — Atelophobia.

  6. Inability to stand — Basiphobia or Basophobia.

  7. Infection, contamination or dirt — Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia.

  8. Infinity — Apeirophobia.

  9. Injections — Trypanophobia.

  10. Injury — Traumatophobia.

  11. Insanity, dealing with — Lyssophobia.

  12. Insanity — Dementophobia or Maniaphobia.

  13. Insects — Acarophobia or Entomophobia or Insectophobia.

  14. Insects that eat wood — Isopterophobia.

  15. Insects that cause itching — Acarophobia.

  16. Itching — Acarophobia.

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