Mono-Syllable Words

Here are few Mono-Syllable Words (One Syllable Words). To understand word stress, we have to understand syllables. Words have one or more syllables. A syllable is a unit of pronunciation. It consists of either a vowel sound alone or a vowel and one or more consonant sounds. Notice that (with a few rare exceptions) every syllable contains at least one vowel (a, e, i, o or u) or vowel sound. Every word is made from syllables. Each word has one, two, three or more syllables.

There are ....

  1. A
  2. All
  3. And
  4. Are
  5. As
  6. Be
  7. By
  8. Day
  9. Did
  10. Each
  11. Few
  12. For
  13. Get
  14. Have
  15. He
  16. Him
  17. His
  18. I
  19. In
  20. Is
  21. It
  22. Long
  23. Man
  24. Me
  25. More
  26. Much
  27. My
  28. New
  29. Not
  30. Now
  31. Of
  32. Off
  33. Old
  34. On
  35. One
  36. Or
  37. Out
  38. Same
  39. She
  40. So
  41. State
  42. Than
  43. That
  44. The
  45. They
  46. Time
  47. To
  48. Up
  49. War
  50. Was

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