Meaning for English Words

English Vocabulary

Meaning for English Words on 9th May :

  1. Guinea (n) : an English gold coin

  2. Guinea-corn (n) : Indian millet

  3. Guinea fowl (n) : a fowl of the pheasant family

  4. Guinea-pig (n) : a small rodent some-what resembling a small pig

  5. Guise (n) : appearance, dress

  6. Guitar (n) : kind of lute with 6 strings played by the fingers

  7. Gulf (n) : a large indentation in the sea-coast

  8. Gull (n) : a sea-bird, a dupe

  9. Gull (v) : deceive

  10. Gullet (n) : the food-pipe leading from the throat to the stomach

  11. Gullible (adj.) : capable of being deceived

  12. Gullible (n) : gullibility

  13. Gully (v) : a small water channel, a drain

  14. Gulp (v) : swallow greedily or hastily

  15. Gum (n) : the firm fleshy substance in which teeth are fixed in the jaws

  16. Gum (v) : stick with gum

  17. Gun (n) : a tubular fire-arm form which bullets are fired

  18. Gunboat (n) : a boat carrying one or more cannons

  19. Gun-carriage (n) : the carriage on which a cannon is mounted

  20. Gunmetal (n) : an alloy of copper and tin or zinc

  21. Gunny (n) : a coarse kind of sacking woven form jute

  22. Gunpowder (n) : an explosive powder made from charcoal, saltpetre and sulphur

  23. Gun short (n) : the range of a gun

  24. Gurgle (v) : make a bubbling sound

  25. Gurgle (n) : narrow mouthed vessel

  26. Grush (v) : flow out with violence

  27. Grush (n) : a violent issue of a fluid

  28. Gust (n) : a sudden blast of wind

  29. Gut (n) : intestine

  30. Gut (v) : consume everything inside by fire

  31. Guts (n) : strength, courage

  32. Gutter (n) : a channel for water

  33. Gymnasium (n) : a school for gymnastic

  34. Gymnastics (n) : athletic, exercises

  35. Gynarchy (n) : rule by a female

  36. Gypsum (n) : calcium sulphate, plaster of Paris

  37. Gyve (n usually pl) : fetter, shackle

Meaning for English Words on 9th May :

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