Here is the List of Mammal Anagrams.
Anagrams are words or phrases made by mixing up the letters of other words or phrases.
E.g. THE EYES is an anagram of THEY SEE.
animals |
ape |
badger |
bat |
bats |
bear |
cat |
cats |
colt |
cows |
deer |
dingo |
doe |
does |
dog |
eland |
emus |
ewe |
foal |
gnu |
gnus |
goat |
hare |
hares |
hogs |
horse |
horns |
kids |
lamb |
leopard |
lion |
manatee |
mane |
mare |
ocelots |
otter |
paws |
pets |
ponies |
poodle |
racoon |
ram |
rat |
rats |
seal |
serval |
steer |
stoat |
swine |
vole |
wolf |