Business Dictionary : Loan
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Loan : noun : money which has been lent
Loan Capital = part of a company's capital which is a loan to be repaid at a later date
Loan Stock = money lent to a company at a fixed rate of interest
Convertible Loan Stock = money which can be exchanged for shares at a later date
Bank Loan = money lent by a bank
Bridging Loan = short-term loan to help someone buy a new house when he has not yet sold his old one
Government Loan = money lent by the government
Home Loan = loan by a bank or building society to help someone buy a house
Short-Term Loan = loans which have to be repaid within a few weeks
Long-Term Loan = loans which have to be repaid within a some years
Soft Loan = loan (from a company to an employee or from
Government to another) with no interest payable
Unsecured Loan = loan made with no security
Loan : verb : to lend
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