Business Dictionary :

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Load : noun : goods which are transported

Load of A Lorry = goods carried by a lorry or contender

Load of A Container = goods carried by a lorry or contender

Lorry-Load = amount of goods carried on a lorry or container

Container-Load = amount of goods carried on a lorry or container

  • A container-load of spare parts is missing.

  • They delivered six lorry-loads of coal.

  • Commercial Load = amount of goods or number of passengers which a bus or tram or plane has to carry to make a profit

    Maximum Load = largest weight of goods which a lorry or plane can carry

    Load Carrying Capacity = amount of goods which a lorry is capable of carrying

    Load Factor = number of seats in a bus or train or plane which are occupied by passengers who have paid the full fare

    Workload = amount of work which a person has to do
  • He has difficulty in coping with his heavy workload.

  • Load : verb : to load a lorry or a ship = to put goods into a lorry or a ship for transport
  • To load cargo onto a ship…

  • A truck loaded with boxes…

  • A ship loaded with iron…

  • Fully loaded ship = ship which is full of cargo

  • Load : (of ship) : to take on cargo
  • The ship is loading a cargo of wood.

  • Load : to put a program into a computer
  • Load the word-processing program before you start keyboarding.

  • Loading : noun : loading bay = section of road in a warehouse where Lorries can drive in to be loaded

    Loading Dock = part of a harbour where ships can load or unload

    Loading Ramp = raised platform which makes it easier to load goods onto a lorry

    NOTE : no plural

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