List of Phobias Related to Sex

List of Phobias Related to Sex :

    Anuptaphobia - fear of staying single

  1. Coitophobia - fear of sexual intercourse

  2. Erotophobia - fear of everything related to sex

  3. Eurotophobia - fear of female sex organs

  4. Gymnophobia - fear of nudity

  5. Haptophobia - fear of being touched

  6. Heterophobia - fear of the opposite sex

  7. Ithyphallophobia - fear of erections

  8. Kolopophobia - fear of female sex organs

  9. Medomalacuphobia - fear of going limp and losing erections

  10. Menophobia - fear of menstruation

  11. Oneirogmophobia - fear of wet dreams

  12. Parthenophobia - fear of virgins and young girls

  13. Scopophobia - fear of being looked at

  14. Sexophobia - fear of the opposite sex

  15. Tocophobia - fear of pregnancy and childbirth

List of Phobias Related to Sex