List of English Words for 19th March

English Vocabulary Index

List of English Words for 19th March :

  1. Dilapidated (adj.) : ruin, needing repair

  2. Dilapidation (n) : state of bad repair

  3. Dilate (v) : expand, widen, talk comprehensively about

  4. Dilatory (adj.) : slow, making delay, procrastinating

  5. Diligence (n) : steady application to work, careful attention

  6. Diligent (adj.) : careful and active about one’s mind

  7. Dilly-dally (v) : waste time by not making up one’s mind

  8. Dilute (v) : weaken, reduce in strength

  9. Dilute (adj.) : thin

  10. Dim (adj.) : not bright and clear

  11. Dim (v) : make less bright

  12. Dimension (n) : measurement

  13. Diminish (v) : reduce, make less

  14. Dimissory (adj.) : allowing to go, sending away

  15. Dimple (n) : natural depression in the chin or cheek, ripple

  16. Din (n) : a loud continuous noise or disturbance

  17. Din (v) : make a confused noise

  18. Dine (v) : to take dinner

  19. Ding (v) : to ring

  20. Dinghy (n) : an open rowing-boat

  21. Dingle (n) : a deep valley

  22. Dingy (adj.) : of a dark colour, dirty

  23. Dinner (n) : main meal of the day, banquet, feast

  24. Dinosaur (n) : a giant reptile

  25. Dint (n) : a blow, force, a hollow made by a blow

  26. Dip (n) : a plunge

  27. Diphtheria (n) : a disease of the throat

  28. Diploma (n) : educational certificate awarded by a university or college

  29. Diplomacy (n) : tact, the art of negotiation skillful management of any affair

  30. Diplomat (n) : a person skilled in diplomacy

  31. Dire (adj.) : dreadful, horrible

  32. Direct (v) : guide, instruct, order

  33. Direct (adj.) : straight forward exact

  34. Direction (n) : command, guidance, course, instruction

  35. Directive (n) : instruction given as a guidance

  36. Director (n) : manager, a member of a broad of management

  37. Directory (n) : a book of names and addresses

  38. Dirge (n) : a funeral song

  39. Dirigible (adj.) : that can be steered or guided

  40. Dirk (n) : a kind of dagger

  41. Dirt (n) : filth, any substance that is not clean

  42. Dirty (adj.) : dishonourable, impure

  43. Dirty (v) : defile

List of English Words for 19th March :

English Vocabulary Index

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