List of Adjectives

Here is the List of Adjectives beginning with T.

  1. Taboo

  2. Tacit

  3. Tacky

  4. Talented

  5. Tall

  6. Tame

  7. Tan

  8. Tangible

  9. Tangy

  10. Tart

  11. Tasteful

  12. Tasteless

  13. Tasty

  14. Tawdry

  15. Tearful

  16. Telling

  17. Temporary

  18. Tender

  19. Tense

  20. Tenuous

  21. Terrible

  22. Tested

  23. Testy

  24. Therapeutic

  25. Thinkable

  26. Thirsty

  27. Thirsty

  28. Thoughtful

  29. Thoughtless

  30. Threatening

  31. Thundering

  32. Tight

  33. Tight-fisted

  34. Tiny

  35. Tired

  36. Tiresome

  37. Toothsome

  38. Torpid

  39. Tough

  40. Towering

  41. Tranquil

  42. Trashy

  43. Tricky

  44. Trite

  45. Troubled

  46. Truculent

  47. Typical

  • Frequently Used Adverbs
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