List of Adjectives

Here is the List of Adjectives beginning with S.

  1. Sable

  2. Sad

  3. Salty

  4. Sassy

  5. Satisfying

  6. Savoy

  7. Scandalous

  8. Scarce

  9. Scary

  10. Scattered

  11. Scientific

  12. Scintillating

  13. Scrawny

  14. Screeching

  15. Secretive

  16. Sedate

  17. Seemly

  18. Selective

  19. Selfish

  20. Shaggy

  21. Shaky

  22. Shallow

  23. Sharp

  24. Shiny

  25. Shivering

  26. Shocking

  27. Short

  28. Shrill

  29. Shy

  30. Silent

  31. Silky

  32. Silly

  33. Sincere

  34. Skillful

  35. Skinny

  36. Sleepy

  37. Slimy

  38. Slippery

  39. Sloppy

  40. Slow

  41. Small

  42. Smelly

  43. Smiling

  44. Smoggy

  45. Smooth

  46. Sneaky

  47. Snobbish

  48. Snotty

  49. Soft

  50. Soggy

  51. Solid

  52. Sombre

  53. Sordid

  54. Sore

  55. Sour

  56. Sparkling

  57. Spectacular

  58. Spicy

  59. Spiffy

  60. Spiritual

  61. Splendid

  62. Spooky

  63. Spotless

  64. Spotty

  65. Spurious

  66. Squalid

  67. Square

  68. Squealing

  69. Squeamish

  70. Staking

  71. Stale

  72. Standing

  73. Statuesque

  74. Steadfast

  75. Steady

  76. Steep

  77. Stereotyped

  78. Sticky

  79. Stimulating

  80. Stingy

  81. Stormy

  82. Straight

  83. Strange

  84. Striped

  85. Strong

  86. Stupid

  87. Subdued

  88. Subsequent

  89. Successful

  90. Succinct

  91. Sulky

  92. Super

  93. Supreme

  94. Swanky

  95. Sweet

  96. Sweltering

  97. Swift

  98. Symptomatic

  99. Synonymous

  • Frequently Used Adverbs
  • Important Adverb Words

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