List of Adjectives

Here is the List of Adjectives beginning with R.

  1. Rabid

  2. Racial

  3. Ragged

  4. Rainy

  5. Rambunctious

  6. Rampant

  7. Rapid

  8. Rare

  9. Raspy

  10. Ratty

  11. Real

  12. Rebel

  13. Receptive

  14. Recondite

  15. Red

  16. Redundant

  17. Reflective

  18. Relieved

  19. Reminiscent

  20. Repulsive

  21. Resolute

  22. Resonant

  23. Rhetorical

  24. Rich

  25. Righteous

  26. Rightful

  27. Ripe

  28. Ritzy

  29. Roasted

  30. Robust

  31. Romantic

  32. Roomy

  33. Rotten

  34. Rough

  35. Round

  36. Royal

  37. Ruddy

  38. Rural

  39. Rustic

  40. Ruthless

  • Frequently Used Adverbs
  • Important Adverb Words

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