Business Dictionary : Liquid
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Liquid : adjective : liquid assets = cash or bill which can be changed into cash
To go liquid = to convert as many a assets as possible into cash
Liquidate : to liquidate a company = to close a company and sell its assets
To liquidate a debt = to pay a debt in full
To liquidate stock = to sell stock to raise cash
Liquidation : noun : liquidation of a debt = payment of a debt
Liquidation : noun : closing of a company and selling of its assets
The company went into liquidation. (The company was closed and its assets were sold.)
Compulsory Liquidation : liquidation which is ordered by court
Voluntary Liquidation = situation where a company itself decides it must close
Liquidator : noun : person named to supervise the closing of a company which is in liquidation
Liquidity : noun : having cash or assets which can he changed into cash
Liquidity Crisis = not having enough liquid assets
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