Business Dictionary : Limit
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Limit : noun : point at which something ends or point where you can go no further
To set limits to imports
To impose import limits = to allow only a certain amount of imports
Age Limit = top age at which you are allowed to do a job
There is an age limit of thirty-five on the post of buyer.
Credit Limit = largest amount of money which a customer can borrow
He has exceeded his credit limit = he has borrowed more money than he is allowed.
Lending Limit = restriction on the amount of money a hank can lend
Time Limit = maximum time which can be taken to do something
They have set a time limit for acceptance of this offer.
Weight Limit = maximum weight
Limit : verb : to stop something from going beyond a certain point
The banks have limited their credit. (The banks have allowed their customers only a certain amount of credit.)
Each agent is limited to twenty-five units. (Each agent is alluded only twenty-five units to sell.)
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