Letter of Love

This is a sample Letter of Love.

Mr. Sunil loves Ms. Sonya. He writes a letter expressing his loves towards Ms. Sonya.

18 Baugh Street,

18th April 2004.

Dearest Sonya,

You will feel pestered, I am sure, to receive this letter upon letter every week from a suitor. The truth is that you have become a part of my being with every breath. I must think of your grace, charm and heavenly beauty.

I remember our last meeting at the Students Reunion at the Gymkhana Club. You flashed a row of pearls as you smiled and your grace in that azure-colored semi-transparent dress was becoming of goddess. Your verbal intelligence, your mischievous repartee in combating my light-hearted banter really took my heart away. You have a gentle chiding manner When you do not approve of something and that has the effect of setting right a derailed person without bruising him.

As you know and I have briefed you, my family is simple traditional one. It needs a woman who knows how to maintain a house and the family and who can set everything right. I do not need a make-up doll without virtue who would soon go sick of all of us. My dear Sonya, you are meant and born for me.

If it is not inconvenient for you, I can approach your parents this Saturday evening and propose my hand in marriage with you.

I do not and expect a NO from you, Sonya.

With love for marriage.

Ever loving,

Signature of Sunil


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