Leisure Quotes

Quotes and Quotations Index

Here are The Leisure Quotes.

  1. Plans must always require a stretching of activity and of the mind into the future - next year, the year after - and whatever its form, surely the purpose of leisure time is to offer not only enjoyment but also interior satisfaction of accomplishment and self-expression.
    (Santha Rama Rao : Novelist)

  2. There are deadlines to meet
    and headings to give,

    Stories to edit and captions
    and by-lines,

    But what about blue skies
    and butterflies?

    I miss them friend they are
    well ... life.

    I miss the colours and birds
    in the trees.

    I miss just doing
    what I please.
    (Helen Fernz : Malaysia)

  3. The busiest men have the most leisure.

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